Shachar (Morgenstern), Aryeh

Shachar (Morgenstern), Aryeh

Son of Shlomo and Emilia. He was born on March 19, 1931 in Poland, and immigrated to Israel with the Teheran Children and was educated at Kibbutz Degania, where he studied at the elementary school and after graduating from high school there. She had a full maturity at the outbreak of the War of Independence, and it was easy to talk to him and it was possible to rely on him, and his presence always contributed to consideration, responsibility and consideration. It was also a combination of a courageous fighter and a strong desire to do better and achieve higher achievements through continuous study He spent most of his career in the navy and was promoted to the deputy commander of the unit, where he took many courses in the army and all of them had an outstanding apprentice, He studied psychology and only a few months before the date of his master’s degree exams, on the 21st of March, 1968, he died suddenly. He left a wife and a child. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. More than a year after his death, he wrote, among other things, who was his direct commanding officer: “You will remember him – with his smile, with his safe calm, with his forgiving intelligence – and something comfortable, pleasant, relaxing, I did not know exactly what intelligence he had so distinguished between the members of the Shayetet and his commanders and subordinates … He was not one of the guys, there was something else about him, but when something was bothering him, the ‘other’ A rare promise to make such a great contribution to the Navy and to Shitet in particular – but this promise was impossible to sustain. “

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