Shabtai, Shimon

Shabtai, Shimon

The only son of Rivka and Isaac was born on the 5th of Nissan 5737 (March 5, 1907) in Iran. He immigrated to Israel in 1933 and settled in Jerusalem. Here he worked in carpentry. In 1940 he moved with his family to Tel Aviv. He set up a hut with a small carpentry shop in Hatikva neighborhood. As a religious person he volunteered to supervise the proper functioning of the eiruv on behalf of the rabbinate. Shimon participated in the security activities of Hatikva neighborhood. He was an honest and honest man who loved the homeland, devoted to his family and loved his sons. He gave his day to work, to prayer, and to watch over the eruv in the neighborhood. He foresaw that a war would erupt between the Arabs and the Jews, and he would warn that “if they trust in God and will be victorious, they will win the Arabs.” He preached the draft and himself went out to work on the fortifications. While he was uprooting trees in an orchard in the Shapira neighborhood on Knesset Street, so that they would not serve as hideouts for an Arab gang. He was hit by a bullet, wounded and after lying in a hospital for 12 days. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left a wife and three children.

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