Seruya, Ruthi (Remo)

Seruya, Ruthi (Remo)

Daughter of Jacqueline and Jonathan. She was born on August 14, 1966 in Hadera. She began her studies at the Shilo Elementary School in Givat Olga and continued at Tachkemoni High School in Hadera, in the fashion industry, where she saw her future. And as her fashion teacher pointed out: “Mischief, youthful joy, joyousness, yet innocence and goodness – these are some of Ruthie’s traits, and her high stature made her stand out in the classroom and made her presence dominant. She had a reverence for her elders … to remember Ruthie, who was in the room, in class, on the trip was to believe in beauty and the good of life. ” Ruthie was a tall, Yaffa girl, with bright black eyes, full of joie de vivre, who in her free time loved to travel around the country. She read a lot and was a regular visitor to the library. She was surrounded by friends and loved ones wherever she went. Her friends found her a sympathetic ear and everyone knew she could be trusted to trust her in everything. Ruthie was willing to help all, openly and secretly. She had friends from ruined houses, who used to host them at home on Saturdays to give them a warm home. She loved children and gave them back love. Ruthie was the living spirit in her parents’ home, loved her family and gave her great respect. In mid-November 1984, she was drafted into the IDF and assigned to serve in the Ordnance Corps, Ruthie quickly integrated into the military track and became fond of all her surroundings, on the 3rd of Adar 5786 (April 3, 1986). And was survived by her parents, four sisters – Etti, Riki, Kotel and Rachel, and two brothers – Shmuel and Yossi, in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Ruthie was an exemplary soldier and loved her soldiers and commanders. , Kotel: “A tall girl with naughty hair, shiny black eyes, and teeth that do not smile. / In all her days she helped, openly and secretly. We were all five, but like one, to unload a load – we could only all of us, / suddenly one is gone, suddenly everything is quiet, / one of them falls apart, so without leaving. “And from a poem written by her sister, A girl, a wife, a kind of pretended innocence / kind of soft naivete. / Left our world prematurely, / without saying goodbye, sorry, / or any other word “

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