Sela (Bedek), Yoram

Sela (Bedek), Yoram

Yoram, son of Fruma and Natan, was born on December 27, 1942 in Kibbutz Maanit. He attended elementary school in the kibbutz and high school, at the Mevo’ot Iron educational institution in Ein Shemer. Since he was one of the younger members of his group, he became isolated, moved away from his friends in sports, devoted himself to listening to music and learned to play violin, piano and mandolin. He was one of the members of the string orchestra of Meir Shfeya and performed with her in many places in Israel. When he was in high school, he guided the children of the lower grades by playing a percussion instrument. Yoram was drafted into the IDF at the end of October 1960 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training, he completed a tank course for “tank commanders” and a course for tank commanders. He was an excellent professional, courageous and dedicated, and was accepted and admired by his soldiers for his dedication and concern for them, and was evidently willing to help and help his friends. Music, devoted all his time and energy to this field, he taught music in the agriculture , Established a regional music studio, founded a choir and orchestra, composed the music and songs for the children’s play Pinocchio, wrote music works for young people and performed as a conductor at the Israel Music Festival. The branch coordinator from that period remembers him as a shy and quiet child, but very diligent, interested and devoted to his work, and grew up with a passion for music and listened to musical quizzes while doing monotonous work in the large citrus nursery. Even after he returned from army service, he returned to the nursery, and as usual he was responsible, my friend and worried about the work. He always demanded much from himself and others. Yoram was active in the cultural life of the agriculture and did much to deepen the affection for art among kibbutz members. He was the coordinator of the Education Committee and even planned and organized the parties and festivities on various holidays. He fought in Sinai in 1967 and was awarded the “Six Day War”. Yoram had a strong and principled character who fought for them without giving up, even if he had to deal with the entire society. He cared about everything, and that was why his criticism was generally harsh. In all his endeavors, he aspired to perfection, and his activity extended to many spheres of activity, without saving effort and effort. He was devoted to his wife Noa and full of love for his children, who had educated them consistently, to shape their character and personality according to the rules of modern education. In the Yom Kippur War Yoram was recruited and participated in the battles of containment and break-ins against the Egyptians in the Sinai. On the 24th of Tishrei 5734 (24.10.1973) Yoram fell in battle at the outskirts of the city of Suez. Because he had shown the courage to be a model, he was awarded the “masterpiece”. “On October 24, 1973, Captain Yoram Sela was the deputy commander of a company that entered the city of Suez. His company was caught in a very strong fire, in one of the alleys of the city. Despite the fact that the tank Yoram was injured several times, he continued to fight from inside, exposed to the turret, refusing to insert his head and continuing to fire from a machine gun until the tank was out of use due to damage to it. “Outside the tank, while turning off the camouflage network that had begun to burn. He returned to the turret of the tank that was hit, while fighting the “Uzi” and throwing grenades, until he was hit in the chest and killed. In his actions, he demonstrated exemplary behavior and dedication to the task. “World-Land in the Mount Herzl Cemetery. Survived by a wife, son and daughter, parents, brother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. His kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory, which included things about his character, letters, memoirs and photographs; Chaya Arbel, a music teacher who worked with Yoram, composed a work in his memory; The newspaper Bamahane published a list on it when it was awarded the “Medal of Honor”.

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