Segev, Yitzhak

Segev, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, ben Frida, and Dov was born on February 19, 1934, in Jerusalem, Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF at the end of December 1951 and was assigned to the Golani Brigade, where he completed a basic training course and was sent to the mechanics-mechanics course. By the time he finished his service, he had been a vehicle sergeant. While serving, in August 1952, he married his girlfriend Leah. In June 1954, Yitzhak was released from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit. After he was discharged from the regular service, he enlisted in the Israel Police and served in the Jerusalem economic sector. In 1955, he completed a police course and graduated as an outstanding trainee. He returned to work in the economic section of the Israel Police in Jerusalem and for a time was a mobile driver. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Itzik was called to serve and fight at the front in Sinai. During the war, he participated in the operation of leaving the bridge on the canal and finally returned from the battles to the home and family and to his work at Egged. In the middle of March 1974, Itzik was called to reserve duty and on April 22, 1974, Yitzhak died during his service, a few days before his young son was about to become Bar Mitzvah, left Parents, wife two sons a sister and a brother.

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