Segal, Tsafrir

Segal, Tsafrir

Was born on August 31, 1965, in Bnei Brak, where he began his studies at the Gordon Elementary School in Petach Tikvah, and after completing four years of study, he moved to the ” In Tsfat, Zafrir studied at the Ort Lubinsky vocational high school in the mechanics department, and since childhood he has developed a developed technical sense, was always busy with tools and repaired furniture that broke down at home. In the Armament Corps, in the hope that in this corps his love of mechanics would be expressed. He was drafted into the IDF in November 1983. After completing general training, Zafrir was sent to serve in the Ordnance Corps, where he spent much of his service with his unit in Lebanon on March 10, 1985, In the Nabatiyeh area of ​​Lebanon, Zafrir drove in a truck accompanied by a jeep guard, and the truck was loaded with soldiers who had also returned from a vacation near the Israeli border. Tzafrir, 20, was killed when he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv, and left behind his parents and two sisters. Ariel Sharon wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Corporal Tzafrir Segal gave his life for his homeland. He was a devoted soldier, a model and loved by everyone. “The commander of his unit wrote to his family:” Tzafrir had professional, responsible, devoted knowledge, performed his job to the satisfaction of his commanders, while showing his will and perseverance. He was a loyal friend, a friend who helped his friends and contributed to the friendship relations in the workshop and to maintain high morale in the unit. He was loved and accepted by his comrades and commanders “

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