Segal, Tara

Segal, Tara

The eldest daughter of Josepha and Mark, a sister to Naomi, Rumi, Uri and Yael. She was born on August 28, 1986 in Haifa. One of Tara’s favorite names was Tara Chan, the name of a Japanese TV cartoon hero. The connection to Japan was not accidental; From the age of six months until the age of two, Tara stayed with her parents in Japan, and gained great popularity thanks to her name. During her stay in Japan, she learned the language, and kept the rules of manners and ceremonial mannerisms such as bowing. As an adult, she talked a lot about her desire to return to Japan for further film studies. In the winter of 1991, when Tara was six years old, the Scud cat named after the Gulf War broke out at the time. “Scud” was an all-white Persian-Angora cat, and Tara was tied to it in thickets, nurturing and nurturing it with great love until it ended ten years later. Being the eldest daughter, Tara was very responsible and independent. She loved her sisters very much, cared for them, protected them, counseled and supported them and became their great sister. Naomi had an adult sister, Tara, who played an active role in her growth – in games, walks, gifts, and other treats. A special treatment was given to Rumi, who was born with a 940 gram lobe, even when she was in the NICU. Tara began her studies in Tel Aviv at the School of Nature, Environment and Society, where she studied in grades 1 to 9. Already during these years her photography talent was exposed when she participated in a photography course. Tara’s portfolio attested to her great potential, and after a private interview she was accepted to the Thelma Yellin high school in Givatayim, where she completed her film studies. Tara’s parents divorced when she was seven years old. When Tara was 18, her mother moved to the Ben-Gurion Academy. Tara joined the nature and quiet of the desert and loved to walk with her mother around. As her eldest granddaughter, her relationship with her grandmother on her mother’s side was very close and open, and the two traveled together around the country. Tara also traveled extensively with her father and mother, visiting Spain, Italy, France and the Czech Republic. Before she was recruited, Tara had left with Tamar, her best friend from childhood, for a two-month trip to Australia, and a return full of experiences and happiness. Vibrant, frenetic, energetic and energetic, Tara’s days and nights were filled with social, sporting and artistic pursuits. The love of dance Tara discovered at a young age ballet club, and later studied modern ballet and flamenco. Tara did not stop dancing and also appeared on stage in ceremonies. She loved the sea too; When she was in fifth grade, she joined “Sea Scouts” and continued her activities there for years. As an adult, Eilat underwent a diving course. At Talma Yellin, Tara stood out as an intelligent and talented student, both in the theoretical and film fields. Tara studied the basics of film production and was involved in many projects in all the different roles: production, directing, photography, lighting, sound and editing. In the 12th grade, Tara wrote a script about a girl looking for love, and turned it into a film about a girl who was looking for love. To a sensitive and captivating film called “Emotionally Clean.” “In this film, Tara felt that she had succeeded in fulfilling her cinematic vision, and after the limited success in Aleph, there was a sense of closure and professional maturity.” In addition to the film she directed, Tara filmed “The Boy Who Cryed a Wolf” “When the students were asked to locate sponsors for their films, Tara harnessed the parents to act as actors and help with transportation, and at the end of her studies Tara received the production on the eve of screening the screening films at the Cinematheque:She made sure to spread a red carpet at the entrance, in her honor and in the honor of her friends, and even taped pictures of the members of the layer, a real avenue of stars. In the lobby she organized an exhibition of accessories from films and production records, as well as produced a poster for each of the ten films created by her friends, posters that still hang in the movie theater in the school. In addition to her involvement in the world of cinema in general and art in particular, Tara visited the cinematheque and art exhibitions. “It’s not clear to me,” says Yoram, “whether in my favor or not, Tara and her band were ‘real cinematic mice’, real movie freaks.” Tara’s joy of life, her unique character and the light that Magneto brought to her. In each of her circles, Tara gathered new friends and served as the link between them all. “Shemarah” her friends called her, and did not leave her. Tara, according to all her friends, was a wonderful friend whose love and devotion were total, without limits and without conditions. Tara knew how to pay attention to the small details, to surprise birthdays and events with creative and emotional gifts, to prepare for companies traveling abroad a “travel kit” with letters, notebooks and funny activities, to create sandwiches invested in her mother’s work place, Tara liked to recycle materials, and so she turned her mother’s old lace shirt into a purse … Another invention of Tara was the dome – a dome that sticks to a vacuum glaze … Tara knew how to enjoy the pleasures of life – gourmet food, Especially Japanese, from beautiful and fashionable clothes, driving in her purple tingo car, from entertainment “In style” – bars, cafés and discreet clubs, dancing at parties until the morning light, and just like having fun with friends, her friends saw her as a charismatic, curious, daring and moving figure who was not afraid of talking and admired her self-confidence. On February 22, 2005, Tara was recruited to the air force and was placed in the film unit of one of the corps in the center of the country, where she served as a photographer and editor-in-chief of the Israel Defense Forces video. It did not take long for Tara to become one of the dominant and beloved characters at the base. “Tara had a kind of amazing smile, a happy smile, a beautiful smile, from one end of the face right to the other,” says Gal, a service friend: “It was a smile with so much confidence that when she smiled it was really a reassuring smile.” As part of her role, Tara recognized all the corners of the base and loved to photograph the special animals around him, such as antelopes. The high-quality films she took and edited were always made of great love, and she invested herself entirely in them. “Her films were amazing,” the friends say. Tara was particularly fond of taking still pictures, still pictures, “but at Tara’s, the pictures were not still but on the contrary, there was always a statement or some feeling the picture conveyed,” Gal recalls. “And she really had the ability to grasp the exact moment … if it was a smile or a sad look, or just a spinning deer … Tara went out to take the first rain and back with amazing pictures of drops landing on the floor one after the other so you could really feel The feeling of the first rain falling outside. ” Tara loved her friends on the base. She would often stay at the base of the night to let one of her friends go home. With Na’ama, who served with her and was one of her best friends, Tara had a particularly strong bond and they all did together. “She and Naama were really one person,” says Gal. “On Purim they even dressed as one-half of the second”She says,” even if she was the busiest woman there, and was bothered by a million other things, she would always find the time to call you on Shabbat to the base, to check that everything is all right and to bring something … She was well versed in quality culture and music, went to the most prestigious exhibitions and went to the most prestigious clubs of Tel Aviv, but was still excited like a little girl when some handsome guy was interested in her or even just saying hello to her. Only her ideas such as photography studies in Japan or a long flight to Australia did not sound unreasonable … “Tara was a whole world, and outwardly she looked like a happy and happy person, but in her soul the emotion, the restlessness, and the ability to contain her diminished. “(November 21, 2006) Tara decided that the beautiful, lively, talented, great promise that she had enough, and committed suicide. She was twenty years old when she died. She was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by parents and two sisters. After her fall, her twin brothers Yael and Uri were born. Yifat, one of the closest friends, eulogized the words of Yehudit Ravitz, written and composed by Dan Toren: “There are big bears in the forest / and fear is felt / dancing in front of the fire – there are owls and a snake. “Tara left her mark on the films she created, in the memories she left, and in the great love and longing that remained in the heart of her family, her friends and her parents . Tamar wrote: “A person does not have a lot of really close friends who come and settle in your life and you know they fill you with something that no one else can fill in. My heart is not big, about the size of a fist, there is not room for many people. You pushed away some other people and got a big corner … I grew up with you and matured with you, with you I was wrong and with you I succeeded, and sometimes I actually felt like we were already thinking the same thing … You were always one step ahead, never behind. “Sometimes I think I met God … and God, as God is supposed to be, always knows what is right,” said Na’ama. And what not to do, what to do, when and how, take care of all the little things that ordinary people would not pay attention to, plan alone and do the best possible, but God breaks sometimes, and then quietly, when no one sees, Tara gave me a few lessons in friendship and giving, taught me to open up to new things, to live and enjoy life.In one of our nights together, amid all the commotion and noise, I managed to thank her, to let her know that it took time but finally I fell in love with her forever. And she just looked at me with a shy smile, then hugged me tight. Tara, it’s a name that resonates when you say it, a name you do not forget, a name that describes exactly the person you were and the memory you are. “I never said that to you, but you were my hidden guru when it came to ‘devouring life.’ Mainstream? From you. There’s a winter tara, with an uncooperative blue scarf and diesel glasses, and there’s a summer tara, with the white sunglasses that so impressed you. … Thank you for getting to know you … I love you with all my heart, and hope you laugh up there … “The friends wrote:” … we sit and talk about you. Trying to think what makes you unique, what characterizes you. We debated, the sharp or the moderate? Thoughtfully insane, or perhaps spontaneous and surprising. …You had no fixations, almost nothing. … versatility, tara, diversity. … in the direction, always stood out in intensive activity and in the demand for perfection. She has made film productions effortlessly while directing, photographing, producing and editing. Rich filmography of quality films about girls who want apple pie and girls looking for love. … Taraleh, you got to be a real woman. So beautiful and feminine. Acute and kicking. You tasted of life, you wanted them, you had the courage to try everything. … we think about you in your last moments. Looking at the black sky and the stars, watching the leaves move in the wind. Looking at life. … All we have left is to hurt, to remember you, to love you. We love you Tara. “Another song that Yifat dedicated to Tara is the song” Funeral Blues “:” Stop all the clocks, disconnect the line, give the dog a juicy bone to stop its barking, / silence the pianos and choke / The casket will come out and the sackers will gather … / … Turn off all the stars, they are not wanted now, / Pack up the moon and unplug the sun, / Sprinkle the ocean and clear the forests, because all these things will no longer help.

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