Segal, Mendel (Monel)

Segal, Mendel (Monel)

Son of Shlima and Eliezer, was born on May 26, 1928 in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and in 1941 the Germans invaded Romania and his father was taken to forced labor -which he did not return. A year after the end of the war, Mendel and other friends decided to leave their homeland and immigrate to Israel, and after many hardships, he arrived in Palestine after the establishment of the State of Israel and was transferred to the Sha’ar Ha’Aliyah immigration camp in Haifa. At the “Stone” camp in central Jerusalem, on the tenth of Cheshvan 5709 (November 10, 1948), while standing guard at the camp, He was hit by a Jordanian shell and died of his wounds. He was brought for temporary rest in the temporary cemetery in Sheikh Bader. Later, he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His name was commemorated in the Torah scroll in memory of those who fell in the War of Independence.

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