Segal, Haim

Segal, Haim

Son of Reuven Vuta. He was born on August 31, 1948 in Haifa during the War of Independence and his father was in battle. By the time he reached school, he had studied at the Kol Israel Haverim school and proved the high intelligence he was gifted with thanks to the vast amount of time he spent in his spare time. From childhood he was attracted to the sea and to the infinite blue space; Therefore, he was naturally attracted to the naval officers’ school in Acre. There, as in elementary school, he proved himself as an outstanding student and revealed his desire to acquire knowledge. His excellence in his studies brought him three study grants from three different sources: the Haifa Municipality, the Naval Officers School and the El Yam Company. When he completed his studies, he was drafted into the IDF in September 1966. He aspired to a military career, but his fate disappointed him and his servant in the Israel Navy, Eilat, died with the drowning of the destroyer by Egyptian missiles opposite a Romanian beach in northern Sinai 18 Tishrei 5728 (21.10.1967). When his body was not found, a monument was placed in his memory in the part of the missing soldiers in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After a while he was assigned a gravestone separately in the Haifa military cemetery. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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