Sedovsky, Aryeh

Sedovsky, Aryeh

Son of Devorah and Yitzhak. He was born in 1901 in Tulce, Romania. In 1909, he immigrated to Eretz Israel with his parents and the family settled in Beit Gan near Yavne’el, in the Lower Galilee. Later Aryeh began to study and work in Petach Tikva. In the bloody riots of 1921, he was wounded in the leg in defense of the settlement. In 1929 he moved to live with his parents in Kfar Sava. He made a living as a driver and was a member of the “Egged” cooperative. On the 2nd of Adar (March 2, 1940) he set out on a commercial mission from Tel Aviv to Aqaba to bring fish. In Ras a-Naqab, about 75 kilometers south of Be’er Sheva, three armed robbers attacked the car he was driving in. The robbers took the money in the car and murdered Aryeh and the Tantura fisherman who was with him in the car. He left parents, a wife, and two sons.

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