Sdan, Zvi

Sdan, Zvi

Zvi (Tzvah), son of Kila and Avraham, was born on May 21, 1934. He is a typical kibbutznik, with a warm, playful and shy smile, modest and dedicated – modest and unbounded. 1952 Completed the educational institution in Mizra and was drafted into the IDF. In the course of his military service with the establishment of the famous Unit 101, he volunteered for it, and in the course of which he embarked on the dangerous raids, although he did not belong to those who “love to provoke death”. He excelled in the unit and continued throughout his years in reserve duty in the various units in which he served. When he completed his army service in January 1955, he returned to the kibbutz and went to work in the Shlachin branch. Together with his two good friends – Uzi Ramon and Hanan Samson, who also fell in the wars of Israel – he established the branch of the table, the industrial crops – cotton and sugar beet. He was active in various kibbutz committees and was also secretary of the kibbutz. In the eyes of his kibbutz friends, Tzva was “a symbol of human fulfillment of peace of mind, a hidden soul that does not hesitate, gentle and undemanding dedication, courage without showmanship, love without ceremony.” Above all “friend and friend”. His friends wrote: “… Tzva loves nature, the whole country is his and every corner of it is known, familiar and close – there is no path that Tzva does not know, there is no kirava that has no story … and the water, Every summer, spring or autumn, it does not matter whether it is hot or cold, cold for us – not for Tzva. There is no sweater and no woolen shirt, and the maximum that can be put on is a light coat that will not interfere with the movement. Tzvacha is not for all the refinements of technique and culture that man created to suffocate him with the comfort of four cubits. On the 10th of Tishrei 5734 (October 11, 1973), he served in the northern front as commander of a patrol unit of the Armored Corps. . Zvi was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery of Kibbutz Mizra. Survived by a wife and four children – a daughter and three sons – mother, brother and sister. His unit, which was composed and composed of veteran soldiers who had walked along the entire military path, had a wonderful human character and uniqueness. His friends wrote about him: “For years, comrades in the company were created, a unique relationship … Tzva contributed his uniqueness, and he showed what can be achieved with mental calm, with a sly smile. Show how people can be commanded by virtue of the personality and not by virtue of authority … and it was not for nothing that Tzvah’s team was so consolidated and so wanted. ” In his memory, the family published a pamphlet, in which his friends and friends spoke about his character.

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