Schwarzberg, Ehud (Udi)

Schwarzberg, Ehud (Udi)

Son of Tovah and David, was born on March 20, 1955, in Haifa. His father joined the security forces of the Jewish Yishuv in Eretz Israel when World War II broke out and served in the combat unit as he approached the age of 50. In the Yom Kippur War, the father was with He moved to Haifa with his parents from Haifa to Jerusalem at the age of 4. He completed his elementary education in Beit Hakerem, and after completing eight years of study with honors, Ehud continued his studies at home – High school at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in a mathematical real-life course First as an apprentice and later as a mentor and center of 150. When his enlistment time approached, Ehud initially thought of serving in the Nahal Brigade, but in early IDF tests he found fit for flying. In July 1973, he was drafted, sent to a preparatory pilot course, and after 14 months in a course he retired from it, following the death of his father during his service in the IDF. One year later, he rose to the rank of sergeant. Ehud underwent a flight controller course and completed his service as a flight controller. His opinion, when he was discharged from compulsory service, was: “He is a disciplined soldier, efficient, responsible and devoted to his work, and has a very good professional level.” After his discharge from the IDF, Ehud went on a trip to Europe and America, where he wandered around the world for about half a year, when he returned home, Ehud became involved in the construction project of the family in Ramat Hasharon, In 1980, while serving in the reserves, Ehud was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He studied at the Tel Aviv University, in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, and graduated in 1983 with the title of Engineer. During the last months of his life, Ehud worked at the Intel factory in Jerusalem, where he moved to live with his family. Like his military service and studies, he also liked his colleagues at work. They valued his credibility and dedication, as an employee and as a friend. Many turned to him and found him a sympathetic ear. His comfortable temperament, calmness, and gentleness brought him hearts. In September 1984, Ehud was called to reserve duty in the Negev. On the 19th of Elul 5744 (19.9.1984), he left his base for a Simcha vacation at home. Along with him were four other soldiers. Near the Nir-Banim intersection, on the Beer-Sheva-Pelugot road, an accident occurred and Ehud’s car was crushed between two heavy vehicles. Three soldiers were killed in an accident, among them Ehud. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. Ehud left behind a pregnant wife, a eldest son – Nir, a mother, brother and sister. About half a year after his death, his second son was born, and named after him – Ohad. The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “I was impressed by his comfortable character, his work and his willingness to invest and contribute as part of his reserve service … I was a regular reserve soldier … I knew a good acquaintance,

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