Schwartz, Zalman

Schwartz, Zalman

Son of Avraham. Born in 1921 in Tel Aviv. His family immigrated to Israel from Vienna in 1920 and settled in Tel Aviv’s Harakevet neighborhood. Zalman was drawn to the driving profession from his youth, despite the spirit of his family stubbornly and perseverance sought to realize this ambition. After many incarnations and suffering from poor working conditions, sleepless nights and even days of starvation, he became the driver. During the 1936-1939 riots he joined the ranks of the Haganah. At the end of 1937, Zalman was badly injured in the stomach in a car accident and no one hoped he would get back on his feet, but his health and strength stood. He recovered and resumed his work. On 6 October 1938, Zalman left Nahariya in a convoy of 6-8 trucks to Rosh Hanikra in order to load goods that arrived from Beirut after customs inspection. Close to Akhziv they were arrested by about 20 armed Arabs. Zalman tried to escape but was shot in the head and killed on the spot. The driver, Shmuel Shweir, was also killed in the attack. Zalman Schwartz was laid to rest at the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery in Tel Aviv. Lay down parents and brothers

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