Schwartz, Yoel-Moshe

Schwartz, Yoel-Moshe

Son of Ya’akov and Ofra. He was born on March 14, 1948 in Givat Brenner. Yoel-Moshe graduated from elementary school. Even when he was a child, he used to examine all his games thoroughly, dismantle them and then assemble them again. He was always older in character and in school he excelled in the real professions. At the end of the ninth grade, after much deliberation, he decided to move to a vocational school. He then moved to the “Amal” school in Ramle where he excelled in his studies and his teachers appreciated his efforts. He had never hesitated to express his views out loud and knew how to stand up and argue with all his friends on matters that had his own opinion. He was drafted into the IDF in May 1966. During his service in the IDF, he grew up very much. In his unit in the north he served for nearly a year and was responsible and loved by all his comrades-in-arms, until on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (5.6.1967) he fell while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Givat Brenner. The kibbutz issued a booklet in his memory. Hakibbutz Hame’uchad’s memoir “Who Fell in the War” was mentioned. In the book “To the Fallen,” which his kibbutz published in memory of his sons, Yalkut, the estate of the sons who fell in the Israeli army, was brought from his estate.

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