Schwartz, Moshe (“Polly”)

Schwartz, Moshe (“Polly”)

Son of Isidore and Lily. He was born on 25.10.1951 in the city of Brasov, Romania. When he was ten he immigrated with his family to Israel. He began his studies in Romania and after immigrating to Israel, studied for a year in an elementary school in Beit Shean. Afterward he studied at a school in Kiryat Yam near Haifa and continued his studies at the Rothman high school in Kiryat Yam – in the framework of frameworks. Moshe joined the IDF in early August 1970 and volunteered to serve in the commando unit. He took a driver’s course, a parachuting course, and a combat paramedics course. With his unit, he carried out difficult and hidden missions inside and outside the country, serving both as a warrior and medic, and was awarded the “Operational Service Award”. In one of the operations on the other side of the border, they were saved, thanks to his resourcefulness, of the lives of a group of wounded soldiers. On 17.12.1972, Cpl. Moshe was killed while serving in the military cemetery in Haifa, and in a letter of condolences to the family, his commander wrote: “Moshe served as a combat soldier and a medic in our unit. Training, operational employment, and cross-border operations. During this period Moshe stood out among the soldiers of his company as a soldier and a friend. He was known for his diligence, his dedication to his role, and his willingness to help his friends. In his fall, we lost one of our best fighters and his fighting comrades lost the best in friends. “His parents donated a prayer page in his name and to a synagogue in Kiryat Yam.

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