Schwartz, Menachem David

Schwartz, Menachem David

Menachem David son of Avigail and Aryeh, Schwartz was born on the 23rd of Cheshvan, November 6, 1919 in the city of Pressburg, Czechoslovakia, to a family whose only dream was to immigrate to Israel. His grandfather, a family of rabbis who immigrated to Israel about 90 years ago, would send family wine for Pesach, etrog for Sukkot and the fruit of the country, and thus the children grew up in an atmosphere of longing for the land of the forefathers. Menachem-David was born after his father’s death. He was brought up on tradition, his home being one of the Zionist centers in their city. David, 14, quickly became involved in the life of the country. He decided to join the Be’erot Yitzhak farm, where he was active in all walks of life. During the War of Independence he was among the first defenders. When the fighting broke out he stood firm in all situations. On the 8th of Tammuz 5708 (July 15, 1948), he served as a machine gunner in a foreign outpost, where the enemy directed all the firepower from mortars, tanks, airplanes, and infantry. Many of the enemy soldiers fell one after the other from the bullets of Menachem David until he fell. He was buried in Be’erot Yitzhak, leaving behind a wife and two sons. His third son was born after his death. On the 20th of Cheshvan, October 31, 1950 he was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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