Schwartz, Jacob

Schwartz, Jacob

Son of Bella and Aryeh Leib. He was born in 1890 in Zichron Ya’akov, where he spent his childhood and youth in the moshavah, combining studies and helping the family in helping the family.In late 1911, when the Balkans tried to unload the Turkish immigrant, six young men from the village joined the Turkish army, They believed that after a new constitution had been declared, “freedom” and “equality” for all the inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire, they had to prove that they deserved equal rights and obligations with the rest of the citizens. Only a few of these volunteers returned safely from the killing fields in the Balkans Yitzhak, who played the trumpet, volunteered to serve as a military orchestra player, but was sent to the front, during which Yitzhak was wounded by a cannon shell, while Yaakov hit the ball in the chest. He managed to spit out three broken words: “Yitzhak Shalom in Bet-Yat” and died, the day of his death and his burial place were not known, and his fall is told in the book “The Burning Balkan” by Aryeh Samsonov.

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