Schuster, Yitzhak

Schuster, Yitzhak

Son of Chaya and Eliezer, was born on May 15, 1924 in the city of Brisk, Poland, and completed six high school classes. During the Second World War he was in the Soviet Union and at the beginning of 1946 moved to Lodz, Poland, where he joined the “Gordonia” group and with it moved to Germany. After a long and difficult trek, he returned twice, through the high mountains, across the Italian border. He did not listen to his mother’s urging to go to America. The purpose of his arrival in Italy was to reach Palestine and in the meantime he learned the art of literature. In the fall of 1947, Yitzhak and his comrades boarded an illegal immigrant ship. A whole night he struggled with the sea waves and helped bring the immigrants aboard. On January 1, 1948, the ship reached Nahariya, after it managed to escape the British. Yitzhak settled in Hadera and two months later joined the army, served in the Givati ​​Brigade and participated in battles in the south. In one of these battles, an attack on the Iraq-Suiden police was wounded. After a while he took part in the course and became a company medic. Yitzhak participated in the “Yoav” operation to break the road to the Negev and fell in an attack on the Golikat outposts on October 19, 1948, when he crawled to rescue a wounded man lying in the line of fire. An anti-tank bullet hit his head and Yitzhak was killed on the spot. He was laid to rest at the Warburg military cemetery.

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