Schreiber, Shlomo-Zvi

Schreiber, Shlomo-Zvi

Born in May 1927 in the city of Sassergen, Transylvania, Romania, to an orthodox religious family, Shlomo completed 7 years of elementary school and, after being a bar-mitzvah, studied at a yeshiva in Toshand and excelled in holy studies. Zionist education, and therefore joined the Betar ranks as a youth. During World War II, he spent most of his time in Europe, where he lost most of his family. When he finished, he made his way with his cousin Raphael Kirsch, who organized Etzel youth to immigrate to Palestine via Italy. For a short while, the young people stayed at the Betar youth village and then went with his friends to the Etzel ship, carrying about 900 new immigrants and a large number of military equipment, headed for Eretz Israel. About a month after his arrival in Israel, Shlomo enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the 9th Battalion of the 9th Brigade, the Oded Brigade On October 18, 1948, during the “Yoav” operation for the breakthrough to the Negev, Shlomo fell in battle (21.12.1951) was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and a memorial to his friends was erected near the Givati-Brur Hayil vegetation, northwest of Moshav Heletz. In memory of the fallen is the city of Ashdod.

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