Schober, Abraham

Schober, Abraham

Son of Hanna and Chaim was born on 25.6.1927 in Strasbourg, France. After graduating from elementary school, he studied printing. After surviving the horrors of the Second World War, he immigrated to Israel on November 4, 1944, as part of the Youth Aliya and joined the Yavneh training program. Upon completion of his training, the battles of the War of Independence broke out and he arrived at the service and was sent to the Hanita farm. Avraham served in the Carmeli Brigade, participated in escorting convoys in the Western Galilee, and was also in the Yehiam convoy, where 47 fighters were killed. From there he was transferred to another unit in the brigade. After stopping the invasion of the Jordan Valley, our forces took the initiative and attacked the Gilboa area. After gaining control of the Gilboa ridge, the Carmeli Brigade attacked Jenin on the night of June 2-3 and occupied the outposts controlling the city. The Iraqi army, which moved to Samaria after its failure in the Jordan Valley, concentrated its forces and counterattacked, and under this attack our forces were forced to withdraw. In this battle he fell on the 25rd of Iyar 5708 (June 3, 1948). On 20 Av 5710 (3.8.1950), he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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