Schnitzer, Yehuda (Leo)

Schnitzer, Yehuda (Leo)

Son of Michael and Hannah. He was born on January 7, 1912 in Dortmund, Germany. He studied at an elementary school in his city, completed his studies at the Gymnasia in real life and continued for another two years at the School of Political Economics. But Hitler’s rise to power violated all his plans. While still a student, he belonged to the Habonim and Hehalutz movements and in 1933 moved to the Netherlands for agricultural training. At the end of this year he immigrated to Israel. At the beginning of his days in Israel he worked in agricultural work in Kfar Yechezkel and Atarot and in 1936 moved to Petah Tikva. He saw the realization of his ambition in life by giving his hand to the building of the land in agriculture. His work was hard, but he was Simcha with it, and every day he went to work when his Lev bursts out of a classical piece and there is a cantorial chapter that he loved most. Despite his hard day-to-day work, he devoted much of his time to reading books and music. He went to Meisharim and faithfully believed in a higher force. This atmosphere was also right in his home and in this spirit he educated his children. Kind in nature and always ready to help his friends. For many years he was an active member of Magen David Adom. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he participated in the battles of Kula and Migdal-Zedek, and every position he was assigned was filled without hesitation. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1950. He participated in the Sinai Campaign and on Sunday, November 4, 1956, fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the Petah Tikva cemetery. He left a wife, a daughter, and two sons.

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