Schneider, Noah

Schneider, Noah

Son of Nathan and Nechama. He was born on May 3, 1941 in Tel Aviv, where he completed his studies at the “Shevach” vocational school in Tel Aviv, where he studied mechanic and was part of the naval section of Hapoel in Daughter of-Yam. In October 1959. He was killed in the course of his duties on October 6, 1961. He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and the commander of the Nahal Command praised him for his exemplary civilian and military behavior Submission of “first aid” to victims of road accidents. His memory was mentioned in Uri Milstein’s book, “The Paratroop Wars.” A sailboat was purchased by HaPoel in Daughter of-Yam in 1962 and a year-long cruise was held in his memory. A booklet in his name was published by his friends in the nucleus of Kibbutz Yiftach.

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