Schloffer, Egon

Schloffer, Egon

Son of Amy and Wolf, was born on March 21, 1912, in the city of Stettin, which belonged to Germany and then to Poland, and after completing elementary school he continued to study for three years in high school, He studied shoemaking, joined shoemaking and joined the pioneering youth movement in 1933. In 1934 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh, where he worked in shoemaking and various branches of the agriculture, and in 1937 he immigrated to Israel and settled in the kibbutz. His sister was part of the Youth Aliyah, and Egon devoted himself to the security issue for five years In the winter of 1948, with the outbreak of the War of Independence following the UN General Assembly resolution on the Holocaust, The division of the land was devoted entirely to securing the level of the conqueror, and on several occasions he stood in combat systems at the head of his forces against the rioters from the nearby village and his steadfast stance gave him a sense of security in the heart of his comrades: On April 20, 1948, To guard the vegetable and fodder workers, the group encountered an ambush of Arabs who opened fire on them. He ordered to return fire and threw grenades at the enemy, and in that battle he fell. Was brought to rest at the cemetery in Ramat Hakovesh. He left behind a wife and two children.

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