Schlesinger, Yosef-Eliyahu (Yossi)

Schlesinger, Yosef-Eliyahu (Yossi)

Yossi, son of of Gittel Rivka and Yeshayahu Schlesinger, was born in 1921 in Budapest, Hungary, to a religious family. He was a member of Bnei Akiva in Budapest and very active in the movement. He went through the horrors of World War II and even contributed to saving others. As soon as the war ended, he transferred the Bnei Akiva group from Bucharest to Budapest in order to bring them to Israel. He himself managed to sneak into an immigrant ship, but when he arrived in Israel in 1945, he was caught by the British and transferred to the Atlit detention camp. From there he was liberated by the “Jewish Resistance” movement, when they broke into the camp and released the prisoners. As soon as the UN General Assembly decided to divide the country into two states, he joined the ranks of the defenders of the city. On the 13th of Adar II, (24.3.1948), he left for Atarot and his convoy was attacked by an Arab crowd near Shuafat. He was killed in that battle and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Sanhedria in Jerusalem.

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