Schechter, Shlomo

Schechter, Shlomo

Shlomo, son of Deborah and Eliezer Schechter, was born on April 2, 1925 in Cairo. He made aliyah to Israel with his family when he was ten years old. When he was eighteen years old, he joined a Palmach training. He was in this group for two years. Shlomo then returned to his parents’ home in Tel Aviv. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was called to return to the Palmach, to the Harel Brigade and was sent to escort caravans on the road. Shlomo took part in the battle of the Nabi Daniel convoy and then took a paramedics course. On the night of April 7th, the Arab commander Abd al-Qader al-Husseini was killed. On April 8, 1948, the Arab forces carried out a fierce attack to capture his body. The Palmach platoon, which belonged to the 5th Battalion of the Harel Brigade, emerged as reinforcements, and its members covered the retreat of the defenders of the Castel. In this battle Shlomo fell, on the 2nd of Adar 5708, April 8, 1948, when he rushed to help the wounded. Shlomo was buried in Ma’ale Hachamisha. On the 12th of Kislev 5714 (19.11.1953) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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