Saturn, Saturn

Saturn, Saturn

Son of Yehezkel and Rachel. Born on August 16, 1958 in Haifa, where he studied at the elementary school, he continued at the Beit HaKakid High School in Haifa, where he studied at the Air Force Technical School in the Maintenance and Aircraft Maintenance professions In early April 1976, he was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to the Israel Air Force as a technical crew member in the squadron. Shabtai loved the squadron very much. And his work did superbly. Even during his free time he would read and acquire knowledge of all aviation matters. He also liked the life style of the squadron and always tried to entertain his friends at parties. In the assessment of his commanders, “he did his job properly and improved from day to day, and was given a senior position in the squadron that he filled with great success.” On the 28th of Adar 5739 (February 28, 1979), he fell to the military cemetery in Haifa and left behind his parents, three brothers, and a sister in a condolence letter to the family. He wanted to volunteer for the regular service, and we gave him that, and it was clear to me and to everyone who worked with him that even as he progressed in the ranks, Shabtai would prove that he was a good friend, Himself, as he did before, we will always remember him as a good person and as a loyal soldier. ” The family donated a Torah library to a synagogue in Haifa. Yes, a memorial plaque was set in the synagogue

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