Sasportas, Gabriel (“Gabi”)

Sasportas, Gabriel (“Gabi”)

Son of Shlomo and Margo. He was born on July 16, 1954 in Ramle, and attended elementary school and the Amal vocational high school in Ramle. He was a member of the Scouts movement, participated in the Gadna activities and was a wrestling instructor at a local club, and his main hobby was handicrafts and he did wonders for doing various jobs. Gabi enlisted in the IDF in early 1972 and volunteered to serve in the Golani Brigade. After completing basic training as an outstanding trainee, he was joined as a regular combat soldier of the “HaBokim” troop and his unit participated in operations and pursuits in the Golan Heights area. On the fifteenth of Tammuz 5763 (14.7.1973), Gabi fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in the Ramle military cemetery. His commanding officer wrote in a letter of condolence to the family that “Gaby was one of the most outstanding soldiers, and during his basic training he excelled in winning the best weapons in the department. And the best. ” His family commemorated ritual objects in a synagogue.

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