Sasportas, Avraham (Avi)
Son of Rachel and Jacob. Born on 19.10.1968 in Ashdod to a family of five children. He studied at the “Shikmim” School and continued to study in the third high school in the literary field. He loved reading, writing, exercising, and helping his father in the carpentry shop. He also volunteered for the community and the public as part of Youth for Youth and later in the Civil Guard. Avraham was conscripted into regular service in the IDF in November 1986. He was a well-disciplined soldier, a high-ranking fighter who volunteered for every mission and was the driving force in the company, and was accepted to the rank of sergeant Abraham was kidnapped by terrorists at Hodaya junction on the 12th of Adar And his body was found on Monday, May 7, 1989, following extensive search and search operations conducted on the ground, with the participation of forces and with the assistance of volunteers. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ashdod. Survived by his parents, four sisters and a brother – Ruti, Yehudit, Doris, Hagit and Gamliel. The Jewish student organization in Rome planted a tree in his memory in the forests of the Jewish National Fund. The family set up an association in his memory, which made sure to place a solar lighting pole at the junction where he was kidnapped. Many articles have been published in the printed and electronic media about him and his family and search efforts.