Sardes, Moshe

Sardes, Moshe

Son of Nissim and Bulisa. He was born on Tuesday, 13.5.1956 in Tel Aviv, where he studied at the David Yellin Elementary School and later at the ORT School of Ballet, a profession he held more than a year before his enlistment. Moshe was loved by his friends in school and also by the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, which he was a member of, and liked playing soccer and spent many hours playing chess, his main hobby was collecting stamps. Many of them were in a neighboring family home, whose two children were handicapped, and Moshe used to read stories and poetry, play games, and solve complicated chess problems. His modest behavior attests to the fact that he refused to hold a grand Bar-Mitzvah party during the War of Attrition, which was held at the time, and preferred to celebrate the event on a visit to the Western Wall.In his work as a printer he was evaluated by his employers and when he decided to resign Moshe was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1974 and assigned to the Artillery Corps. He was brought up to love the homeland and it was natural for him to serve in a combat force. He served as a gunner and was responsible and dedicated to his job. A thin, skinny boy became, after his induction, a sturdy and solid guy. His face grew serious, overnight he became a boy. He spent his short holidays with his parents. Not much in speech, and there was no complaint. On 17 May 1975, he fell to the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister, and in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Moshe fulfilled all his duties properly. And sacrifice. Dedication, modesty and goodness guided him on his way. “

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