Sandler, Eliav

Sandler, Eliav

Eliav, son of Rachel and Yehuda, was born on December 26, 1954. When he was five years old, the family moved to Ramat Hasharon, and in order to make it difficult for him to be absorbed in a new children’s company, his mother used to bring him to the new school every day. Little did she know how easy Avi would click in the new social life and how comfortable and kind it would be. The toddler immediately acquired not only the hearts of his contemporaries but also his teachers with his warm smile and great cleverness. “I do not remember many children who had such a concentration of cordiality, grace and absolute trust in the teacher, and I am sure that children like Avi made me a better teacher, I always felt the debt I owe him for the unlimited trust he expressed in his calm and hesitant way.” Avi knew how to create an atmosphere of joy and good spirit around him, he was willing to give up and forgive, as long as he did not cause conflicts and quarrels. At a young age, he discovered his propensity for science and when he was ten he asked and even received a chemical laboratory from his uncle. In the yard of the house, Avi raised dogs and a donkey and in his room, he kept an aquarium. His curiosity and desire to know knew no bounds and when he studied at the “Shiryon” high school, he decided to study medicine. His teachers trusted his decision because they knew his kindness, his willingness to help, and his excellent talents. At school, Avi was also the star of the drama club. His friends and teachers will not forget his role in the main roles in his school plays. He said, “Just as I will do my best to be a faithful son who you can be proud of, I will not forget this day, my joy and my dear land, and I will do everything for its construction and glory.” After graduating from high school, he had six months left until his induction. He insisted on going to work to earn money and not take anything unnecessary from his father. He always thought-never sue more than you’re willing to contribute Eliav was drafted into the IDF at the end of January 1973. He took the pilots’ course, but took the course for only three weeks, overcoming the bitter disappointment and demanding that he be placed in the Armored Corps. He liked his tools and nurtured them, his friends in the army loved him and enjoyed being with him, he was endowed with coolness and peace and, above all, with great confidence When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Avi was sent with his unit to the northern front and took part in the battles against the Syrians in the Golan Heights On Tuesday, October 9, 1973, his tank was hit by a direct hit near Konitra, Avi was brought to rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and left behind his parents, sister, and brother … After he fell, he was promoted to the rank of corporal. In his letter to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Eliav fell in battle during his duty in the battle in the Golan Heights, near the city of Kuneitra, where he served in an armored unit, was a good soldier, excelled in his profession and was accepted by his comrades. May our memory be blessed. ” “Avi left behind him a trail of cordiality, grace, and pleasantness, leaving behind him a pain in the heart of all those who loved him and blessed memory.” Avi`s parents established a library for him in the “Amirim” school in Ramat Hasharon.

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