Sandler, Dov

Sandler, Dov

Son of Yeshayahu and Hannah. Born on July 9, 1928 in Tel Aviv, the parents were among the founders of the expanded Borochov neighborhood, which is now Giv’atayim, and Dov completed his elementary studies at the Borochov school in the Borochov neighborhood and later moved to the Ohel Shem High School In 1948-1948 he served as a police officer in the Jewish settlements and was drafted into the IDF in January 1948 and took part in the War of Independence. Studied at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Faculty of Humanities) of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He always loved to tour Israel and organize student trips to the Negev. In the course of his university studies, he took the Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Ministry award, which was set up to encourage outstanding students at the Institute of Oriental Studies, and was the first to win it in 1950-1951. On the 16th of Sivan, 1951, when he was in reserve duty, he fell in battle around Jerusalem and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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