Sanders, Gad

Sanders, Gad

Gad, son of Helga and Reuven, was born to his parents, who emigrated from Germany on March 10, 1951. In his hometown he studied at the Shilo elementary school and when he was eight his father was sent as a representative of El Al, Where he returned to his first school, joined the Scout movement, studied judo and karate, and spent leisure time in his hobby, a puppet theater, which he made, and in 1964 the father was sent again He completed his high school studies at the Walter Ratnau School, completed his studies and received a government matriculation certificate, and when he was drafted he left his parents and returned to Israel alone. To the IDF at the beginning of May 1972. Since he had been interested in the fields of biology and medicine since childhood, he wanted to serve as a combat paramedic. As part of his service in the Medical Corps, he underwent professional training, including a course for combat medics. His whole ambition was to help people, and during his vacations he volunteered to work in Tel Hashomer and Hasharon hospitals. These works also prepared him for his future as a doctor, as he had planned in advance. In his unit he excelled in his position, and served as a paramedic in the brigade headquarters. In the days leading up to the Yom Kippur War he went on holiday, before his parents returned from abroad. He was called to his base when the alert was announced. During the war he served in the southern front and on the 12th of Tishrei 5734 (8.10.1973), in the battle for containment in the “liquid” area, he was responsible for the armored infantry company. When he learned that the wounded had to be rescued on the Tse-Ismailia battlefield, he volunteered for the dangerous mission. As he was being rescued, he was wounded and fell. He was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Gad proved himself to be an excellent professional, courageous and dedicated. A list of his memoirs was published in a pamphlet published by the Nopolio Battalion.

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