Samrano, Joshua

Samrano, Joshua

Yehoshua, son of Rivka and Jacob, was born on the 17th of Av 5761 (17.8.1951) in Tel Aviv. He attended the Gordon elementary school in Daughter of-Yam. When he was eight, his father died, and the burden of the family fell on the mother, who raised her four children alone. When it was time for Joshua to attend high school, he did not go on for more than a year. The sight of his mother and her suffering in her hard work touched him, and although the mother begged him to continue his studies, he decided to go to work to help her with the household. He began working in the diamond industry, and during his free time he participated in the sport of the local club, and practiced especially in the soccer and karate industries he loved most, and he excelled in various industries. On Yehoshua, his primary school teacher wrote: “I will always remember his smiling face, his joy captivated everyone, his integrity and his kindness have given him many friends. Indeed, Joshua, or Shuki, as they called him, was a cheerful, lively boy. He loved his family very much, and especially paid attention to the children of his sister, Esther, bought them gifts from the few coins he had left for himself, and did as much as he could to please them. Yehoshua was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-May 1969 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, after which he was assigned to a field training course for the Armored Corps and participated in the War of Attrition on the southern front. During the Yom Kippur War, Yehoshua served as a liaison on the Sinai front and took part in the fierce battles that took place in the “Chinese farm.” In a battle held on October 19, 1973, his tank was hit by an anti-tank missile and Joshua fell. He was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. He left behind a mother, two sisters, and a brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Yehoshua displayed courage and dedication during the battles against the enemy tanks in the area of ​​the” Chinese farm “; Moshe Dayan wrote: “Yehoshua was a devoted soldier and an excellent friend, and he was loved by everyone who knew him.”

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