Salunikio, Eliyahu (El’yo)

Salunikio, Eliyahu (El’yo)

Eliyahu, son of Elda and Rafael, was born in Trieste, Italy on 29.11.1930 and immigrated to Israel when he was five years old. They settled in Tel Aviv, where he studied at Bialik elementary school and excelled in his studies. When Eliyahu finished school, he was forced to help his parents earn a living and he worked in a shoe factory. Eliyahu found emotional satisfaction when he joined the ranks of the Irgun. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the regular army, served in the Carmeli brigade and fought in the Galilee front. On the 14th of Elul, September 18, 1948, in preparation for the conquest of an outpost near Miron, Eliyahu was severely wounded and then a second bullet hit him and killed him. The next day the outpost was conquered thanks to the earlier activity of Eliyahu and his friends. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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