Salomon, Yosef (Josepho)

Salomon, Yosef (Josepho)

Son of Rivka and Yitzhak, was born in 1915 in Izmir, Turkey. In 1935 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Tel Aviv. He was a merchant, a man of action, and supported his family with dignity. Yosef fulfilled his duty to the homeland in the ranks of the Haganah. Immediately after the establishment of the state, when Egyptian planes bombed the central bus station in Tel Aviv, Yosef was seriously injured in the bombing, struggled for four months in the hospital and died of his wounds on the 21st of Elul, September 25, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left behind a wife and four children.

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