Salomon, Baruch

Salomon, Baruch

Baruch, son of Sarah (Sonia) and Mordechai, was born on 10 June 1948 in Hibbat Zion in the Hefer Valley, Baruch was drafted into the IDF in early November 1966 and volunteered for the Golani Brigade, where he was a good soldier, responsible and dedicated to his job, and did everything that was given to him in trust and readiness and received praise from his commanders. During the Six-Day War, he participated in battles in the Jordan Valley and fought face-to-face against Syrian soldiers in the Golan Heights, and during the War of Attrition he participated in many ambushes and pursuits of terrorists across the border. His service in the army tried very hard not to worry his parents and often wrote letters home after he was discharged He saw the liberation of the country from the burden of foreigners as a mission incumbent on every Israeli, and believed that a person should not be satisfied with military service, but that he should not be satisfied with military service. After the liberation, he settled in Moshav Bekaot in the Jordan Valley and eventually married his girlfriend Ester and the couple had a daughter, Baruch was a very dedicated son of his family, a devoted husband to his wife, a devoted father to his daughter and uncle Haviv and caring for his nephews. During the Yom Kippur War Baruch participated in the battles that took place in Sinai. In the difficult battle that took place on October 15, 1973, on the way to the coastal outpost (“Budapest post”) in the north of the canal, Baruch was injured and fell. A missile hit his half-track and he was killed at the cemetery in Hibat Zion, leaving a wife and two daughters (Tzurit the eldest and Bracha, his second daughter, who was born after his death). After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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