Salomon, Abraham

Salomon, Abraham

The youngest son of Batya and Yosef, a Holocaust survivor, was born on 12.1.1960 in Yavniel. Abraham, or Abrahamle, as affectionately dubbed by all his knowledge, finished elementary school in his childhood colony. The director of his school remembers that Abrahamle was accepted among his friends, who was diligent and serious and had a sense of humor, which contributed to raising morale. Avraham continued to study for two years at the military boarding school in Haifa. His diligence, diligence, and physical strength brought him many certificates of appreciation. But the pressure on the family farm forced him to abandon the boarding school, but not the officer’s dream. He spent the next two years in the regional school in Beit Yerah, and during his vacations harnessed himself to work in the farm. His brother Motti says that “he was a farmer in his blood, and when he was a child, it was clear that he was the son who was continuing with his father’s farm, and there was no doubt who inherited the toil.” From infancy, Abrahamle loved nature, landscapes and animals. There was always a dog in the farm yard, where he nursed and raised him. Avraham was drafted into the IDF in early August 1978 and volunteered to serve in the Paratroopers Brigade, where he also had his skills and physical strength, and he successfully completed many courses and was loved by his commanders and subordinates. The evacuation of Yamit, Avraham was sent with soldiers from his unit to be at the turning point, and the arguments between the soldiers were quite stormy and “warm,” and Avraham, in his characteristic quietness (which was not so “got along” with being red) If we say that this is a disaster, we are soldiers in the IDF, and therefore we must obey an order we received and even if we are not complete with it, this is the government’s decision. ” And he also expressed his opinion in the inscription that he drew on one of the houses: “We did not retreat – we gave up for peace!” After completing an officer’s course, he was ordained as an officer, continued to serve for a while in the officers’ school as a guide, and from there was transferred as a reconnaissance officer in the tour branch of the training base. The commander of the base described Avraham in the following words: “My father’s skills, embodied in work methods and training, were in line with the image of the outstanding officer, an endless dedication, an initiative that combined imagination and perseverance. The commander of the base patrol branch wrote: “My father wanted to learn and get into matters quickly, and he read and studied professional material, gathered information from veteran officers and wrote him a weekly work plan.” My father sought independence in his work, in all possible directions. His department was ready to go out for training … The compensation and the personal satisfaction would be expressed as soon as his unit would leave the base gate on its way to the training grounds, and Avi took care of all the soldiers’ needs, but also knew how to demand high performance. ” A few days before the start of the Peace for Galilee war, Avraham was supposed to go on vacation. At home, new agricultural equipment was waiting for him, which was purchased especially for the son who was still in the farm. When the battles broke out, Avraham served in the south. He left his unit and joined his comrades in the paratroopers’ unit. On the 18th of Sivan, 5762 (9.6.1982), Lieutenant Abraham fell in battle in Lebanon, attacking the nests of terrorists in Damur and being put to rest at the military cemetery in Yavne’el. He left behind his parents, brother and sister. In the assessment of his commanders after his death, he said: “He performed his duties with dedication, tried to succeed in all the areas he was entrusted with, professional and reliable. His family published a memorial booklet containing the words of his family, friends and friends, and those who marched with him in his short life.

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