Salman, Zev

Salman, Zev

Zeev, son of Regina and Mordechai, was born on July 2, 1954, in Jerusalem, where he studied at the “Branch of Life” elementary school and in the ” And for a short time he was a member of the Nahal Misgav Nahal unit. From his youth he was an ardent athlete, especially a football and basketball business. In school he loved the profession of economics more than any other profession, and even won high marks in this profession. Ze’ev was a life-loving, smiling, laughing and cheerful child. In high school he was known for his public activism and was always chosen for the various student committees. “Ze’evi, you have no idea how much I love to see you …” or: “Ze’evi, I miss you so much, the longing has been eating me since the last meeting,” he said. You are an interesting person, with whom you can sit and talk about any subject … from me who loves you … “And more and more. “Ze’evi was an thin, but loud, energetic boy, with a tremendous spiritual drive and extraordinary physical fitness, despite his small physical dimensions, and Ze’ev had a tremendous momentum that also characterized his vocal manner of speaking. Innocence, sincerity and warmth. ” “Ze’evi was thin in his body, but with a great soul, we admired him for his nobility, he was cheerful, full of life, and his green eyes always smiled.” Ze’ev was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1972 and assigned to the infantry corps, where he underwent a parachuting course and volunteered to serve in a paratroopers unit, where he would argue with his brother about what was better – paratroopers or the air force. “I was out of the plane and I felt myself floating in the clouds, and suddenly a tremendous force stopped me and I felt up and up … Hey, hey … I shouted, I’m going up … I’m going up. I counted … .22 .22 .23… According to the theory, and checked that the parachute was open, and so it was. But I found curves in it. I was going to open my reserve, but no! I decided to untie the parachutes, and with one blow I turned myself against the twists and the parachute stabilized. Then I landed calmly on the ground. “His commander says:” What characterized Ze’ev was the permanent smile on his lips. Even when he was serious and listened to his commanders, he seemed to be smiling. Truth be told, I did not believe that such a skinny guy would finish all the hard training of the company. To my amazement, he became one of the best fit in the company. In the ward he was among the outstanding soldiers. Later on, when we finished the parachuting course and when we were together at one of the outposts, he showed his great joy in defending the country. “In the Yom Kippur War, Ze’ev Kalavai served on the southern front. (17.10.1973) his armored personnel carrier was injured and Ze’ev fell. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl. Survived by his parents, three brothers and three sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan wrote: “Ze’ev was a devoted soldier and a loyal friend.

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