Salameh, Emil

Salameh, Emil

Was born on October 27, 1963 in the village of Yirka in the Western Galilee. Emil studied in the elementary and comprehensive school in his village and completed his high school studies in biology. In November 1981 Emil enlisted in the IDF, hoping to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, who served in the IDF and reached the rank of officer. Emil served in the infantry and underwent a series of professional courses and training. He completed a battalion training course, an infantry lieutenant course and a parachuting course. During all his training, Emil stood out as an outstanding trainee. He volunteered to serve in the Sayeret, as a platoon commander. During the Peace for Galilee War, Emil fought in the outskirts of Tire and was involved in the purification of the nests of terrorists in bunkers. On the second day of the war, on June 7, 1982, when he stormed a terrorist cell, he was hit by a grenade. Emil was killed. He was 19 years old. He was laid to rest in his village, Kfar Yirka. Emil left behind his parents, four brothers and a sister. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Emil Salameh gave his life for his homeland, and he fell in combat in Lebanon when he cleaned up a bunker of terrorists. The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “Emil was loved by all his friends and commanders, and he was known as an outstanding soldier, hoping to take commanders’ courses and develop in the ranks and ranks in the IDF. His ambition was to be an officer in the IDF. “

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