Salad, Ze’ev (“Zeevi”)

Salad, Ze’ev (“Zeevi”)

Son of Dov and Rivka. He was born on July 12, 1949 in Tel Aviv. Was the grandson of one of the first Zionists abroad and a member of the Second Aliya in Israel, who influenced Ze’ev greatly in his stories about the country from its inception and from the reign of the Turks and the like. He was a child of imagination and had loved books since childhood. After completing his studies at Dubnow Elementary School, he acquired high school in the Tel Aviv Municipal High School and succeeded in his studies; He was particularly successful in mathematics and successfully completed his studies in the real track. He loved sports, completed a life-saving course and liked swimming. The Sea of ​​Galilee was a year old. Zev was also registered for the last one, but did not win. In addition to excellence in studies, he had remarkable qualities and qualities. He did not like to see the failure of a friend, nor did he tend to emphasize his intellect and intelligence. He was willing to help at any time and at any time to any member who approached him for help without pretense or pride – not in order to receive reward or reward. He was humble and humble and disliked when they praised him for his good grades and successes. On his trips around the world during his vacations from high school, he met with youth from all countries – and Arabs in general, and when asked if he hated them – he replied: “The hatred is created by the great ones and not by the children. In general, he had the love of man because hatred did not know. This was the way he went all his life until his last day when he was in the army, when he suggested to the comrades-in-arms, who felt in his head, that he would visit him. In August 1967, he was drafted into the IDF and assessed the army, and he wrote to his mother with joy that the army was his home, and he liked it, saying, “We are one family.” When he was drafted the doctor found him thin, But he said, “I feel that I owe the homeland a great duty. I missed the Six-Day War and now I have to give my strength and energy. The training was hard for him at first, and when his mother proved that he would have to pay a heavy price in the armored unit, he answered: “Mom, I have the courage to do so. And you will not steal from me. Too bad for the efforts. Not to serve in a combat unit is like running away from the challenge. I am ready to give my life for the homeland. While living wants everyone but being prepared for the death of honor for a purpose – this is the first duty. I have the courage to pay any price that I will be required to pay. “Ze’ev paid the most expensive price, the price of his life, as modestly as he went to the officers, in the same recognition that this period demands sacrifice. Do they have no mother or father? Was it because my financial situation was better than that of dangerous positions? No, Mom, you’ll go out and look after you and Dad! After all, someone had to stay there on the border. “Ze’ev loved music and singing and played various instruments, and when he came home for a vacation – even for a few hours – he would sing homeland songs and there were also the jolly songs, Which was actually a paradise, as he once said, and in this paradise, on the night of 26.8.1968, while on a jeep tour of a jeep on a mine on the banks of the canal with two of his friends – and Gilad still The reverse jeep term. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of his unit wrote to the family in his condolence letter, among other things: “Although Ze’ev was a newcomer to the unit, he was fond of all his commanders and soldiers … He served in his unit as a noncommissioned patrol officer,

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