Safdie, Tupan

Safdie, Tupan

Son of Shahraban and Muhammad, was born on October 20, 1963 in the village of Yanuh in the Western Galilee. He was a member of the Druze community and attended elementary school in his village. At a young age he was orphaned by his mother. His father left his village and moved in with another wife in Beit Jann. He left his six children at home without worry. The eldest son also left the house, and Tupan, a 15-year-old boy, found himself the eldest son of the family. He took care of him to support his four younger brothers. The sense of responsibility, reason, and dedication made him prematurely mature. He worked as a plasterer, and despite the harsh conditions of his life, the joy of life did not dispel him. He loved his family and the Druze court appointed him guardian of his younger brothers. In November 1981, Tupan fulfilled his duty and enlisted in the IDF, serving in the infantry, and due to the special condition of his family, he was promised to be stationed near his house after completing his basic training. On August 19, 1982, when he was in Lebanon, an arms accident occurred and Tufan was killed near the village of Marjayoun. He was laid to rest in Beit Jann, leaving behind his father and eight brothers and sisters. Another brother was born after he was killed and named after him, and the commander of his unit wrote: “Due to the special circumstances in which he grew up, Nunn requires life experience went beyond his age. He was mature in his personality and spirit.”

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