Sabah, Uri

Sabah, Uri

Uri, son of Gonul and Jack, was born in Istanbul in 1964. In 1968, he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Daughter of-Yam and began his studies at an elementary school in his hometown, Where he was educated and grew up in a boarding school next to the school, where he continued to study at the high school at the Johanna Jabotinsky Youth Village in Beer Yaakov, where Uri was an outstanding student and had great achievements in his studies. And from a reading that enriched his knowledge and expanded his education, and sometimes served as a guide and help his friends solve problems that could not be overcome. But was always interested in the achievements of the IDF in wars and learned a lot about the Israel Defense Forces, its structure and the history of its wars. After graduating from high school, he worked at the Pe’er factory in Tel Aviv until he was drafted into the IDF Uri was a cheerful, life-loving young man who was able to create a pleasant and pleasant atmosphere around him and to be loved by all his acquaintances and friends. Uri was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of November 1972 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training he was trained to serve as a tank crew member and was sent to serve in a field unit of the armored corps in Sinai. He served as a loader and a cannon in the tank, in a unit that defended the line of strongholds along the Suez Canal. He always did his job with precision and perfection, was a dedicated soldier and admired his comrades and accepted by his commanders. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, his unit went out to take part in the repudiation of the Egyptian army, which crossed the Suez Canal. On the first day of the fighting, Uri and his comrades managed to block large enemy forces and prevented them from entering Sinai. On October 6, 1973, Uri was killed and killed in the braking battles, and he was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, leaving behind his parents and brother, who was promoted to the rank of corporal. : “Your son Uri served in the unit as a liaison officer in a tank, and was loved by his friends because of his great cheerfulness and earned the trust of his commanders because of the great devotion he displayed in his position. Another tank that sank into the mud, and then were hit by an enemy tank and Uri was killed. “

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