Sabah, Joseph

Sabah, Joseph

Yosef, son of Rachel and David, was born in Turkey in 1948. A year later he immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. In Israel he studied at the Akiva elementary school in Bat-Yam and later continued to study at the ORT vocational school “In Jaffa, Yosef grew up in a family with many children, and his father, who owns a small vegetable store, which is barely supplied by the shoppers, barely managed to earn a living in order to support the family. Joseph did not abandon his studies and persisted even after completing his studies in elementary school, and learned from a young age that only a serious profession could secure his future and allow him to live And when he completed his elementary studies, he decided to continue to acquire a profession and choose electrician, and he began studying at the Ort vocational school in Jaffa, with the aim of electrifying himself and shortly thereafter decided to go to work as an apprentice and help to support the household. To work in the electrician of a building, and he earned about £ 12 a day, which he gave to his father. At that time, the father’s health, which he had pneumonia and was very weak, deteriorated. Years after recovering from his illness, he still felt weak and forbidden to lift heavy loads. This severely impaired his ability to work and develop his shop, and Joseph’s contribution was essential for the completion of the family’s monthly budget. Mostly his help became important after his sisters and older brothers married and left home to build their own houses. So he was no longer satisfied with his work as a building electrician, but continued to help his father in the store even after work hours. He took it upon himself to bring out all the heavy boxes and to handle all the particularly difficult tasks that required work in a vegetable store. Because of this situation, Joseph did not have much time to play and participate in the other activities of his peers. His family was at the top of his concerns and was always willing to give up friends and games to help them. Joseph also had close ties with his brothers and sisters and their families. He loved to visit them and enjoy the family warmth he found in their home. During the holidays, the entire family would gather in one of them ‘homes and be Simcha together. Even after joining the army, these ties were not severed. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in early February 1966. After completing his basic training, he was transferred to Tel Aviv to help his father, After a short period of time, he married his girlfriend Ester LaYesha and set up a home in Bat-Yam, and during the Yom Kippur War, Yosef took part in the braking battles against the Egyptians in the area of ​​the Luza in Sinai. 11 October 1973), was killed when an Egyptian commando unit attacked his unit, leaving behind a wife, parents, brothers and sisters.

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