Saba, Elem

Saba, Elem

Ben Zaida and Khaled. Elem was born in Asfiya on Mount Carmel on June 25, 1975. He grew up in Asfiya and completed twelve years of study at the ORT Ronson local school with a full matriculation certificate. Elem was an exemplary child, his parents told him, disciplined, loved to help and respected all those around him. From an early age he helped parents at home, farming and raising sheep, and thus developed his great love for animals – over the years he grew a dog, birds and more. Elem also knew how to laugh and enjoy life with his good friends. He liked to travel, and when he got older he bought a jeep and went on trips. On trips he was always armed with a camera, and returned home with plenty of souvenir photographs. After completing his high school studies, Elem joined the IDF in the course of his service, completing a course for squad commanders, a sergeant course, and an officers’ course. Of the IDF and the Palestinian Authority. In October 1998, the Alon unit, a special detective unit, was established in the Northern District of the Border Police, and Elam was chosen from among many candidates for recruitment to this unit. After serving for three years successfully, he completed a military completion course and graduated on 12.10.2001 with honors, received the rank of Inspector and continued to serve under the command of the Alon unit. Elem found new challenges and great responsibility in his role, filled him with success, and everyone expected him a bright future in the police. Members of the Alon unit described Elam: “You were the character that always and in every trouble we knew to find you, you helped, you gave and contributed with a brave heart, you loved life and you knew how to take advantage of every moment of life. … You managed to bring people closer to one sentence, in a cup of coffee, in a short conversation … You were a true friend … Everyone wanted your closeness, your friendship and I could understand each one of them. ” Inspector Salman, who was Elam’s direct commander, described: “During the service in the unit, I was able to recognize the youth and how unique he was, during which time I learned to appreciate and love him for his personal qualities. He was known as an exemplary policeman, and because of his reliability and professionalism, he was appointed commander of the unit, a position he filled with honors. ” “From the beginning of his career, Elem proved that he has a high level of ability and quality,” said Issam, the first commander of the Alon unit: “He felt that he joined the special unit as a personal challenge and that he had a very heavy responsibility. He constantly tried to instill in his fighters morale and motivation and the potential to survive And to deal with difficult and complex tasks, and he was able to cope with hard and tough commanders, did not give up the principles of concern for the commander, took care of them over time, and took all the responsibility. A stage of execution was careful to inject the best in order to achieve achievements The Alon unit began as a detective and intelligence unit, but over time was involved in complex and complicated missions with utmost sensitivity to the various intelligence agencies in the north of the country, among those who stood out in the planning and execution of the tasks to the best of the best results. He led the process of carrying out special missions that we did not know in other units. An officer who proved himself all along, excelled as a combat soldier and as an officer in perfect and flawless execution.Who is a fighter for the glory of the State of Israel. “In the middle of 2001, the eldest brother of Elem, Mohanah, died, and despite his abundance of activities, he always found time to help his sister-in-law and nieces as necessary. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Asfiya, leaving his parents, two brothers – Salim and Nasser, two sisters – Rajda and Maha, and her fiancé, who was raised after his fall to the rank of captain. , A brother, a friend and a man who cares for everyone. “Elem’s lovers produced a memorial book, in which many people wrote farewells and memoirs from Elem that they knew. Site “Gilead” by the Israeli police. Eulogized for ever Ghazala fiancee: “It’s hard, so hard for me to imagine how life continues without you my dear love. Without your precious smile, without the joy of life, without the common dreams and without the happiness you brought to my life. I never imagined myself falling in love with someone like this, so easily and so quickly, but in your wonderful personality you were like a magician to me, to the extent that I did not know what was stronger – I loved you or admired your talents! You amazed me every day with your ability to sacrifice, your sensitivity, your love. I imagine you so tough, courageous, and determined in the course of your tasks. And me – you were always so sensitive, gentle, modest and loving. Every morning since you’ve disappeared, my love, I cry out to the sea you loved so much, call the waves to bring you back, but I know that my cries are in vain … My beloved Elem – I feel as if in this life you had a mission, a mission you fulfilled faithfully and with devotion. Now that this mission is over, I can hope to reap its fruits in the next life. And my dear Elam remains a great space. You disappear suddenly, without peace and visibility – just as you would come to our house suddenly, without messages and alerts. A deep chasm opened, and nothing would fill it. She always thinks about you, loves you forever. “Linda’s sister-in-law, Linda, wrote:” Elem. You left us only memories that filled them with such a beautiful and optimistic smile. You always loved laughter, and you always knew the wisdom of life. You were a brother devoted to the family, a friend appreciates everyone and a loving and helpful brother-in-law. You always loved to give and did not wait to receive, you always helped others and did not wait for help from others. The love you gave us is warm and never forgotten. You will remain in our dreams and memories, in pain and joy and in any situation, we will remember, we will always remember. “A sea of ​​love, a sea of ​​sacrifice, family concerns for parents and brothers, for the widow of your brothers and daughters, everything to take to your heart, the heart of the family. The same heart that betrayed you and collapsed under the great love you exerted on it. Dear cousin, How much the family owes you, and how much we wanted to repay you more than you deserve, but God wanted us to always owe you … cousin, I pledge to you on behalf of the family that your good memory and great honor you brought us will be engraved in our hearts. And your good qualities will decorate the Book of Our Heritage in letters of glory. Your name was a youth and a flag is a flag. Elam Saba is the family flag, so we will remember your name. “Elem’s commander, Superintendent Amir, wrote:” Elem. As a member of the Druze community that forged a blood pact with Israeli society, it represented this alliance in its entirety, as a model. You took care of your subordinates impartially, you felt you belonged, and you always gave a sense of belonging to others, equal among equals, and you did it with pride, respect, values ​​and norms that you were raised in your parents’ home. The Druze society has lost one of its best and most successful sons, as it is said, ‘The best of the best,’ but it should not bow its head, because it is thanks to you that Druze society can be proud that such are its sons. youth. There’s so much more to write and tell, because you have so many virtues. You can tell about your laughs and your jokes, your professionalism as a top officer, your kindness and your love for animals and people, your ability to help your friends, and especially those you have just met. “In May 2016, towards Memorial Day, Raja was interviewed by Elem’s sister for” The Carmel Portale “(” Port Carmel “), “Our lives continue when everything revolves around their youth and death. We mention it a lot, every meal and every holiday. Even the people around us tell us how you mention him all the time. They can not forget Elem for a moment, he is with us at any moment, anywhere … His name is constantly commemorated, a number of Elem’s friends even called their children after Elem’s name. His good friend, Amit Barak, who was in constant contact with my parents, called his daughter Alma, a good friend from Asfiya called his son Elem, one of the officers from the Alon unit also called his son Elem, and I too was pregnant, In the school there is a memorial day commemorating the fallen students, including a school day in which students and fighters from the Border Police units participate in the competitions. Ata and the central monument for the fallen members of the Druze community in Asfiya, in the Netofa camp in the north He served, commemorated his memory on the wall of the entrance to the offices.

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