Saada, Yaron

Saada, Yaron

Ben Rene and Yehuda. He was born on the 5th of Tammuz 5765 (June 14, 1975) in Hod Hasharon, the second son of a family of three, and Yaron was a cheerful, playful boy who was so happy to see all his friends and friends. He studied at the Re’ut elementary school in Magdiel, in the “Rishonim” junior high school and in the “Mossensohn” high school, in the automotive mechanics track, according to his teacher, Yaron was among the first students to perform all social activities. Yaron was very devoted to his friends and friends, he knew how to recognize the plight of others, and even helped and supported the elderly who needed help, all for no consideration. He was very helpful to his father at work and to his mother at home, and Yaron especially appreciated everything his parents did for him and on the eve of his enlistment in the IDF, he wrote to his family: “… I say thank you and thank you very much for your support. A good part of this is that I have come out with a model human being, thanks to you … ” Yaron was supposed to continue his studies in automotive mechanics, but preferred to pre-enlist, in order to serve with his friends. At the end of October 1993, Yaron was drafted into compulsory military service, successfully completing the basic training course, being assigned to the Ordnance Corps and sent to the 20 th Battalion for a mechanic’s course. On February 20, 1993, Yaron was killed in a traffic accident on the Ramatayim road in Hod Hasharon, when the vehicle he drove off as a passenger strayed from its course and crashed into a tree, and Yaron was brought to rest in the military section of the Neveh Hadar cemetery. Parents and two sisters – Vicki and Orit – was eighteen years old when Yaron fell in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Your dear son was supposed to take a course in the armaments school and join the family of the Ordnance Corps. All of us, the commanders and the soldiers, share with you our grief and grief … “The family members commemorated Yaron’s memory of a piano in his memory, as a testimony to his happy and cheerful character, which was donated to the Mossensohn School.

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