Saada, Moshe

Saada, Moshe

Son of Shoshana and Sayid was born on March 27, 1964 in Rehovot. He was from a traditional family that immigrated from Yemen in 1931 and settled in the streets. Moshe received a traditional education. He began to study at the Moriah elementary school, and after completing six grades he moved to junior high school. Moshe continued to study at the Sha’ar Avraham Yeshiva and Mevasseret Zion Yeshiva, completed his high school studies in a humanistic track, and joined the Karnei Shomron hesder yeshiva. During the meeting, he enlisted in the IDF and served in the Armored Corps, underwent basic training, and completed a training course on November 15, 1983. Participated in the training of the Armored Corps in the Ketziot area in the Negev. During the exercise he was killed in a training accident. He was 19 when he died. Moshe was laid to rest in the military section of the Rehovot cemetery. Survived by his parents, three brothers and two sisters. His name was immortalized in a factory established at the hesder yeshiva in Karnei Shomron

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