Ruda, Uri (Ernest)

Ruda, Uri (Ernest)

Son of-Sarah and Yehezkel (Hans) was born in Lodz, Poland on September 19, 1917. When he was one year old, his parents moved to Germany and grew up in the city of Anau where he completed elementary school. Three years later, after completing formal studies in painting and advertising, the Nazis came to power in Germany and were unable to finish his studies, and Uri was able to work in his profession. In September 1940 he joined the British Army and served for almost six consecutive years, and was released on May 9, 1946. A month after the liberation, He was accepted as a regular student and studied for nearly two years until his enlistment in April 1948. Uri was one of the defenders of Jerusalem and fell in Mamilla on 10 Iyar 5708 (1948) 19 May 1948). He was buried in Sheik-Bader Aleph. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1948) he was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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