Rubner, Ahad Moshe

Rubner, Ahad Moshe

Ben Yael Zimmet-Rubner and Michael Ben Yosef (Yosef Laniado). He was born in Petach Tikvah on the day of Tzum Gedaliah, the eldest of the family, the eldest brother of Avivit-Sarah, and his mother was married to my father, and their half-brothers were born: Tamara-Tova and Yoav- “My brother’s circumcision took place on Yom Kippur in the synagogue in front of the Holy Ark, between the Yizkor prayer and the Mussaf prayer – to symbolize the connection between the past and the future.” He was named after his uncle Moshe, his mother’s oldest brother, At the age of twenty-five: My brother-forever Moshe: From childhood, Achid was discovered as a particularly curious and energetic child, and he began his studies at the Yavneh elementary school in Petach Tikvah, He is gifted and sent to gifted children’s groups at Tel Aviv University, headed by Dr. Erica Landau. In 2000, nine-year-old Iyad moved with his family to Shoham, where he moved to the local Avnei HaChoshen elementary school. In junior high, he moved with a group of friends from Shoham to study at the Petah Tikva high school yeshiva, headed by Rabbi Shai Firon. Prior to the division into the yeshiva, in the 10th grade, he also sought to study in the cinema track. However, there was no such trend, and after many pressures on the part of the head of the yeshivah, the head of the Yeshiva accepted and opened a cinema trend. He had a great talent in production and directing, he loved the field and focused on films dealing with social issues. His film “Shomeh Tefilah”, a short film, won first place in a national short film festival on social issues. He also produced a film for his coronation, the second cycle of the yeshiva, and a film for the month of organization at the Bnei Akiva branch in Shoham. He completed his studies in filmmaking at the age of 100. The talent and love of documentation were also expressed in the field of photography, so that Achayad was sent twice, at the end of the tenth grade and at the end of 11th grade, to the United States, to Camp Masura, where he worked as a photographer for two months, He was close to the camera and did his job well, making good connections with the American youth, and many of them continued to be in contact with him even after he returned to Israel.Ayad was a curious person who was always interested in current issues He was knowledgeable about everything that happened in the world and often discussed a certain subject and analyzed it deeply with his family and friends During his leisure time, he took part in a sports trip that his family visited throughout the country, a trip he had been waiting for all year round – because he loved trips and also because it was a perfect opportunity to be with the family in the wild, far from everything else After graduating from high school, Ahad studied at the Ma’aleh Gilboa religious kibbutz, where he discovered writing in a creative writing workshop. Ahayad wrote short stories about various subjects, which were published at the end of the year in a shared story book with friends for writing. In one of the first passages he wrote in February 2009, he described his hesitations at the beginning of his career in the yeshiva and the change that occurred in him when he became acquainted with the field of writing: “It’s idiotic, This is what you have always done, why do not you just sit at home until the draft? Why do not you enlist? The yeshiva begins tomorrow, you run away again, pack it up! Great youth, great guys and the scenery is amazing, that’s about it, the rest is a little less goodNot the place for you, you know that. The lessons do not talk to you, the books do not talk to you, and the prayer? When was the last time it spoke to you? Do the right thing for you and you’ll find another way to pass the time until the draft … It’s amazing how much fun to come back here every time anew. What a pleasure to see all the guys. It’s fun to argue in the morning. To study in Chevruta, to learn in the wild. French. Bibliotherapy. A second group of bibliotherapy. Guided reading with Nili. Take out nerves in karate. Learn to control your nerves (and feelings in general) in drama and meditation. Broken tools. creative writing. What’s wrong with me at home? Nothing, everything is absolutely amazing. “Aviad completed his year of study at the yeshiva, and in August 2009 he enlisted in the IDF. He served in the Armored Corps as a liaison officer in a tank crew in Battalion 9 of the 401th Brigade. After a year as a soldier, he was sent to the officers’ training course in 2011 and finished as a master of three stages: preparing for the officer corps, training and training. Every week he summed up his experiences by translating them into amusing and amusing stories, and in one of them he even wrote a whole piece about the land of the union (according to Alice in Wonderland). And people, rows and rows of people walking past me and on their way, some more alike and some less alike, some really the same. The faces change, the place does not. Not to believe it was more than a year. Here and there there is a new path or tree, but the whole remains the same. I make my way through the crowd. Too slow. I pick up the pace until I start running. While I was running, I noticed that I was alone. The place has changed but the sand remains, a lot of sand. And lots of sand and domes and branches and valleys and saddles and a generation. generation? How did he get here? I connect to him and we try to find our way. After a short dialogue we found the right way and stuck to it, which did not prevent the moon from changing the sun listening to the earth. Despite the difficulties we found the way, and after a few hours’ walk we reached SJ. We immediately put on vests and began to monitor the movement, who came in and who came out. Who is happy and who is not. I went to the car, the driver lowered the window and began to interrogate me about the initiation cycle I had to perform to assess the dangers of the night shift, and suddenly I found myself reading a guard list on a bus full of tired cadets. When the sun and the moon switch to their pleasure, the darkness turns into light Turns darkness becomes light … Rows of sand pass by and continue on their way, People are more alike, I am making my way … 5 AM I turn off the Beatles and sit in bed, This week, the second week of the course, I have a feeling that it will be a busy week, I have a feeling that it will be Have a good week. ” At the end of July 2011, at the end of the officer’s course, he was sent to serve as an officer in the “Ofek” battalion in the Judea and Samaria Division of Beit El, and Lieutenant Colonel Tomer, commander of the battalion, told of a Saturday at the base with his brother: “This Saturday I got to know you. A commander who takes care of a woman soldier who has a stomachache, who gives a personal example and replaces a soldier in the SG. A true friend, without the distance that characterizes a young officer. Devoted and never stop working … On Saturday I also saw the values ​​that I had nursed from childhood. At lunch we sat down to eat together at the table of a division duty officer. At the end of the meal, you were the only officer who took down the plate and cutlery from the table, and you did not let the kitchen staff do it. Deputy Colonel Ayad fell during his duty at the base in Beit El on 7 September 2011. BenTwenty-one in his fall. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Segula, Petah Tikva. Survived by parents, two sisters and a brother. On the anniversary of the fall of Ahayad, his mother Yael said: “My dear son, everywhere, in any situation, or even in a photograph, I see you standing with us, with the amazing eyes and the charming smile. The pain of parting … And yet I try to channel the pain into the family, to the work, to the perpetuation, to life, because that’s what you would have done if the situation had been different … Every day is my private war … I promised the children that we will continue a happy and happy life, Not with us, we choose to smile, because this is your inheritance to us, I know that you are there, looking and protecting, so please keep on keeping us from above, and You see I nearly lose you send me the strength to continue the endless journey. ” The family has set up a website in memory of Ahiyad, and it also appears in a memorial group on Facebook. YouTube also uploaded two videos, including a sequence of photos of Ahiyad with family and friends in his various life stations. The memorial site tells about Ahayad Baumer and the pictures, including things he wrote and short films he prepared, eulogies that were given in his memory, the words of family and friends who write about him, and details about the memorials. At the beginning of the site, the family writes: “This site is a place for anyone who knew my brother and wants to remember, this site will be a place where anyone who did not know my brother will get a chance to learn who he was. , To hear, to feel … Everyone is invited to look and read about the boy’s brother, the boy’s brother, the soldier’s brother. ” Ahayad is commemorated in several ways: In memory of Ahyad, who loved to run, his friends in the officers’ course established a running group called “Remembering Ahad.” The running group will participate every year in the race, each time in another race, and among other things, it participated in the Tabor rounding race. Ahiyad’s family decided to continue the tradition of the annual cycle trips on Sukkot. The tours will be named after him, and all those interested in an enjoyable trip will be invited. Ahayad was a curious person who was deeply interested in every topic, and his family decided to open a series of monthly lectures in his memory, a series called “One Month.” Every month, a lecturer lectures on the subject of his profession, and many have already received lectures on a variety of subjects: organ transplants, atoms, Jewish music, women’s service in the IDF, etc. A book was written in memory of Achiyad, Mitzpe Moshe “in Shoham – a synagogue named after the uncle of Ahad, whose name is also named after him, and his brother’s love for the cinema, which led to the establishment of the cinema trend in the yeshiva high school in Petach Tikvah, And includes an editing room and a film studio with new equipment for students’ convenience. On July 19, 2012, the “Mitzpe Achiyad Mitzpe” Park was inaugurated in Shoham, a park established by the family and the community. In addition to benches for sitting and resting, there is a panoramic view overlooking the Dan region. Close to the observation post stands a wave of limestone and basalt stones that tell of Ayad. “Our vision is to see this observatory full of life, filled with youth and the residents of Shoham, both elderly and young, religious and secular,” said Avi, who is a resident of Shoham. No matter what was so important to Ahadad, they are walking around and enjoying this beautiful place, they find a corner of observation of the landscape and perhaps also inside themselves. ” The ceremony was attended by Shoham Mayor Gil Livneh, who addressed the family: “BaderAs you chose to commemorate the memory of your brother, remember and remind him of the humility, serenity and values ​​that characterized him. To remember from the beauty of nature the love of my brother to the Land of Israel, and to instill in our youth this important value, as well as the importance of meaningful service in the IDF and the choice of officers and officers, I hope that here, And we will all remember their brother forever. “

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