Rubin, Yitzchak

Rubin, Yitzchak

Son of Gavriel and Sarah, born on May 5, 1927 in the city of Scofalya in Yugoslavia. Yitzchak immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1933 and at an early age joined Betar and later joined the Irgun underground, where he worked for six years. Yitzchak was responsible for the arms depot of his organization in Tel Aviv and participated in many acts of sabotage and battle, including the break-up of Acre prison and the conquest of Jaffa E. Afterward, he joined the IDF and was sent to the navy, and after a while he reached the rank of captain and head of the machine room. On the 27th of Shevat 5710 (February 14, 1950), Yitzhak was killed during the performance of his duties and was brought to rest in the military cemetery at Nachalat Yitzchak.

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