Rozin, Raphael

Rozin, Raphael

Was born on December 9, 1936 in Jerusalem. In 1962 he completed his medical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and specialized in rehabilitation medicine. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, the Ministry of Defense insisted on the need to establish a department for spinal cord injuries in order to properly treat these wounded. At the recommendation of Sir Ludwig Guttmann of England, one of the world’s greatest rehabilitation physicians, it was decided to establish the department and to be headed by Dr. Raphael Rozin, despite his youth, and in 1973 he set up a training course for rehabilitation centers. In 1976, Dr. Rozin was appointed head of the rehabilitation division of the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, which is the construction of a building in the Tel Hashomer hospital. His career ended three years later, and in 1977 he was appointed professor of medicine at Tel-Aviv University L. Between 1978-1983 he served as Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Head of the Department of Occupational Therapy and received the Senior Academic Degree as Full Professor. While working at the hospital, Prof. Rosin was involved in extensive national rehabilitation activities, including active participation in various committees on behalf of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Defense and the National Insurance Institute. His activities greatly improved the welfare of the disabled population in Israel. He initiated and promoted the umbrella organization for the disabled, was one of the founders of the Center for Information and Advice for Accessories, Construction and Transportation, and was the medical director of the Recanati Center for the Treatment of Head Injuries and Chairman of the Israel Rehabilitation Association. Propper Rozin has attached great importance to disabled sports in Israel and international frameworks and has represented Israel in the Medical Committee of the Paralympic Games. He also worked to provide academic status for occupational therapy and physiotherapy and initiated the establishment of the School of Physical Therapy at the Sheba Medical Center. Prof. Rozin was the founder and founder of the physiotherapy department at the Tel Aviv University School of Medicine, which he headed during his last years, and was a member of the university’s scientific council. He devoted attention and concern to every patient and patient, and his help extended far beyond the medical realm, and despite his severe health limitations, Prof. Raphael Rozin proved his success in his work and achievements in overcoming his difficulties. In his death, Prof. Rozin left space Most people who have worked with him and appreciate, especially among his patients and his patients. Lt. Col. Prof. Raphael Rosen passed away on rent Nissan TRIP (14.04.1985) and was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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